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15 Minutes To Fit : The Simple, 30-Day Guide to Total Fitness, 15 Minutes at a Time

15 Minutes To Fit : The Simple, 30-Day Guide to Total Fitness, 15 Minutes at a Time
36 %

321  Kč 499 Kč

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YouTube workout video star Zuzka Light presents her long-awaited debut fitness book, with a 30-day fitness regime of powerful, effective 15-minute workouts. Filming first from a tiny basement in Prague, and eventually settling in Los Angeles, Zuzka Light has single-handedly ushered in the YouTube fitness revolution. Viewers love Light for her short, ferociously effective workouts and her in-the-trenches, never-give-up positive attitude--and she\'s racked up more than half a billion views to prove it. Now, finally, comes 15 Minutes to Fit, Light\'s hotly anticipated debut, with a 30-day fitness plan guaranteed to burn fat and build ripped muscles. Based on innovative high-intensity interval training, the workouts in 15 Minutes to Fit are designed to be done anywhere, anytime (no fancy gym equipment necessary), in just 15 minutes a day. This book takes the guesswork out of the workout, providing: - A 30-day workout plan to whip your body into shape--in 15 minutes a day or less\n- A companion meal plan, with delicious and healthful recipes for each day\n- Step-by-step photographs throughout to illustrate proper form for the workouts\n- Quick facts on health and nutrition to help readers separate fact from fiction\n- Support and motivation from Light, who overcame many obstacles to become the female face of fitness\nAs Light says, Give me 15 minutes a day and I\'ll give you a badass body. Coauthored by New York Times-bestselling author Jeff O\'Connell, 15 Minutes to Fit is the book legions of fans have been waiting for.
Nakladatel: Penguin Putnam Inc
ISBN: 9781583335826
Rok vydání: 2016
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Knihy - paperback
Počet stran: 268
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