Inter-organisational Collaboration in the Public Safety Management System
144 Kč 177 Kč
In the current book, the Author discusses the latest findings related to the theory of organisation, public management and inter-organisational collaboration. She identifies conditions and motivational patterns which increase the effectiveness of inter-organisational collaboration in the public safety management system. Using a methodology that integrates various concepts and approaches, she develops her own, innovative model of collaboration. She examines factors that impact her model’s efficiency, demonstrating that it is not only determined by legal regulations and procedures, but also by social, organisational and situational conditions.
\n“Publications such as this one, discussing a specific management system, are relatively rare in the field of inter-organisational collaboration. Therefore, the work by Katarzyna Sienkiewicz-Małyjurek deserves recognition.”\nexcerpt from a review by dr hab. Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska
\nKatarzyna Sienkiewicz-Małyjurek – Doctor of Economics with the specialisation in management sciences. Assistant Professor in the Institute of Management, Administration, and Logistics of the Faculty of Organisation and Management of the Silesian University of Technology. She specialises in public management, including theory of collaboration, coordination theory, and management systems and methods. She conducts research related to public safety management and crisis management. She is the author of many scientific articles and publications, among others: “Bezpieczeństwo publiczne. Zarys problematyki” [Public safety. An outline of the problematic aspects] (2nd edition – 2011; with Zygmunt T. Niczyporuk) and “Skuteczne zarządzanie kryzysowe” [Effective crisis management] (2015). A participant of international scientific conferences.
\nAutor: | Sienkiewicz-Małyjurek Katarzyna |
Nakladatel: | Scholar |
ISBN: | 9788373839045 |
Rok vydání: | 2017 |
Jazyk : | Angličtina |
Vazba: | měkká |
Počet stran: | 190 |
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