Sino-Polish Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Contract Law
154 Kč 189 Kč
This comparative study explores the legal nature of contracts within the framework of European and Chinese legislation, and provides a better understanding of the circumstances in which the law defines and regulates different types of contractual obligations. On the one hand, the book presents the perspective of the European civilisation with its long legal tradition. On the other hand, it reveals the approach of the People’s Republic of China, where the process of creating a modern legal system almost from scratch – one modelled to a large extent on European solutions – began with the initiation of the reform programme in 1978. The authors show the differences in the Chinese civil law as well as legal regulations concerning contracts; these result from the specific conditions existing in China, which arose during the internal transformation of the country, as well as from specific cultural differences.\ndr hab. Józef Pawłowski
\nThis illuminating book offers an original, wide-ranging, and invaluable corpus of essays on contract law. Sino-Polish Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Contract Law will help one to understand the current contract law in Poland and China, and the factors influencing its interpretation and new contractual practices. Chapters offer a nuanced analysis of contractual relations from comparative perspectives.\ndr hab. Joanna Grzybek
\nAutor: | PIOTR GRZEBYK |
Nakladatel: | Scholar |
ISBN: | 9788366470095 |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Jazyk : | CHI-ENG |
Vazba: | měkká |
Počet stran: | 216 |
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