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Cambridge Primary Path 2 Activity Book with Practice Extra

Cambridge Primary Path 2 Activity Book with Practice Extra
35 %

518  Kč 795 Kč

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Cambridge Primary Path is an English language and literacy course that will help young learners become articulate writers and speakers of English, empowering them to make the most of life\'s opportunities. Through its three essential pillars, Cambridge Primary Path offers a truly effective approach to learning. The comprehensive literacy-based approach ensures students receive essential language support alongside literacy training so they become fully literate in English. The groundbreaking research-based oracy framework enables students to become confident, collaborative speakers. The creativity principles encourage students to become better thinkers and problem solvers … while enjoying themselves! Find out more at: cambridge.org/primarypath

Nakladatel: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781108671910
Rok vydání: 2019
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: měkká
Počet stran: 184
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