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Kitty Kotty helps to clean

Kitty Kotty helps to clean
15 %

49  Kč 58 Kč

Expedice za 2 až 3 dny

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih

Bestsellerowa seria o Kici Koci teraz w języku angielskim! The Polish bestselling series now available in English! Kitty Kotty, the cheeky little kitten, will take you everywhere, even into space! But also to the library, preschool, swimming pool, playground, beach, or on a train journey. With Kitty Kotty children can do some tinkering and recycling, they can cook, play musical instruments and much more! Children will never get bored with Kitty Kotty!

Nakladatel: Media Rodzina
ISBN: 9788382650648
Rok vydání: 2022
Jazyk : ENG-POL
Vazba: měkká
Počet stran: 24
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