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Anna and the Swallow Man

Anna and the Swallow Man
31 %

201  Kč 292 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
A New York Times Bestseller A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year [A] splendid debut novel. . . . This is masterly storytelling. - The New York Times Chilling yet tender. - People Magazine Savit's economical prose beautifully captures a child's loss of innocence and the spiritual challenges that emerge when a safe world suddenly becomes threatening. - Publishers Weekly , Starred Review The third-person narrative-lyrical, fluid, with a pervasive shadow of menace-lends a folkloric feel to a graceful story steeped in history, magic, myth, and archetype; comparisons to The Book Thief are apt. - The Horn Book, Starred Review Savit's novel, with its wise, philosophical narrator, has the classic feel and elegant, precise language of a book that's been around forever. - Shelf Awareness, Starred Review [A] quiet exploration of love and its limits. - The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, Starred Review Artful, original, insightful. - Kirkus Reviews A moving, thought-provoking story about coming-of-age in the midst of trauma. - Booklist The Book Thief . The Boy in the Striped Pajamas . Any book compared to both of these is in my eyes sure to have an exciting plot, be a fantastic eye opener, and have loveable characters. Anna and the Swallow Man did not disappoint. Just go and read it-it is impossible not to love. - The Guardian The story is powerful enough to resonate with all ages....Savit's novel, though a quick read, is a powerful one. And just like the child is follows, it has a deeper poignancy masked by its seemingly simple surface. -Mashable Written like a love song for language - heartbreaking and entrancing and filled with characters whose survival is intimately, sometimes tragically, tied to their love of words. -Bustle Exquisite. - The Wall Street Journal
Nakladatel: Bantam Books
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 256
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