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Interviewer's Guide to the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (R) Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D)

 Interviewer's Guide to the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (R) Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D)

3274  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Designed to accompany the SCID-D, this guide instructs the clinician in the administration, scoring and interpretation of SCID-D interview. The Guide describes the phenomenology of dissociative symptoms and disorders, as well as the process of differential diagnosis. This revised edition includes a set of decision trees and four case studies.
Nakladatel: American Psychiatric Association Publishing
ISBN: 9781585623495
Rok vydání: 1994
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 168
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