Termín obdržení zásilky
Česká pošta Středa 25.09
PPL Středa 25.09
Osobní odběr Čtvrtek 26.09
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Existential Perspectives on Coaching

 Existential Perspectives on Coaching

1223  Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
The existential approach provides a unique focus on human life that is eminently relevant to coaching. Edited by a key name in existential psychotherapy, the book outlines the parameters of existential coaching in a wide variety of contexts and alongside other models, exploring how this approach can be used in coaching work.
Nakladatel: Macmillan Education UK
ISBN: 9780230293861
Rok vydání: CZE
Jazyk : Čeština
Vazba: CZE
Počet stran: CZE
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