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NorthStar 1 DVD with DVD Guide - DVD

NorthStar 1 DVD with DVD Guide
17 %

1964  Kč 2 358 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
The NorthStar DVD has engaging, authentic video clips, including animation, documentaries, interviews, and biographies, that correspond to the themes in NorthStar. Each theme contains three- to five-minute segment that can be used with either the Reading and Writing strand or the Listening and Speaking strand. The video clips can also be viewed in MyNorthStarLab.NorthStar, now in its third edition, motivates students to succeed in their academic as well as personal language goals. For each of the five levels, the two strands-Reading and Writing and Listening and Speakingprovide a fully integrated approach for students and teachers.
Nakladatel: Pearson Longman
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: DVD, Blu-ray
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