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The Rough Guide to Devon & Cornwall

The Rough Guide to Devon & Cornwall

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The Rough Guide to Devon and Cornwall is the perfect companion to your trip to this captivating peninsula, introducing you to the charms of gentle, pastoral Devon and wild, craggy Cornwall. Both counties will tempt you outside to enjoy their mild climate, with everything from hikes over Dartmoor and surfing off Newquay to puffin-spotting on Lundy Island. But it's not all about the great outdoors, with awe-inspiring cathedrals, innovative galleries and a well-established local food scene to explore (not to mention an even longer-established cider-drinking tradition). The Rough Guide to Devon and Cornwall includes honest reviews from our expert author of what to do and where to eat, drink and sleep in the region, alongside detailed full-colour maps and inspiring photography. Whether you want to visit a rock-hewn theatre or a witchcraft museum, a stately home or a vegan café, The Rough Guide to Devon and Cornwall will help you make the most of your time in these beautiful counties.
Nakladatel: Rough Guides
Rok vydání: 2017
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 360
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