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This new edition of Bradt's Botswana remains the only full-blown, standalone guide to one of Africa's most popular and rewarding safari destinations. Acclaimed by tour operators and travel writers alike, this is the only guide to focus on the most popular tourist areas of Botswana: the Okavango Delta, Chobe National Park and the Northern Kalahari, and for this new edition includes a new full-colour wildlife guide, backed up by detailed flora and fauna information for each safari area. Fully updated, from top lodges in the Okavango Delta to small guesthouses (including many new to this edition), also included are detailed maps, comprehensive GPS coordinates (invaluable to self-drivers), and coverage of Livingstone and the Victoria Falls, ideal as an add-on trip to a safari in Botswana With this guide, explore one of the world's most stunning wildlife destinations, read up on superb safari lodges with excellent guiding, from traditional tented camps to those offering five-star luxury and top-class cuisine, and make the most of the excellent birding (almost 600 species identified). Also included are details of how to arrange mobile safaris around the national parks and reserves with your own guide, often staying in private campsites; boat cruises on the Chobe River, where herds of elephant cross every evening; and when and how to view one of the great gatherings of zebra in Makgadikgadi National Park. Botswana's wilderness is pristine. The permanent waters of the Okavango Delta attract year-round wildlife, now including all the 'big five' - for the rhinos are back thanks to a successful re-introduction programme. Spreading out from the Delta, Botswana has tremendous variety, from the arid Kalahari to lush, well-watered forest glades and the broad Chobe River. And then there's Botswana's rich history, from the ancient rock paintings at Tsodilo, to Stone Age arrowheads on the Makgadikgadi Pans. Written and updated by experts, Bradt's Botswana is the definitive companion to discovering this enchanting destination.
Nakladatel: Bradt Travel Guides
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 520
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