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Anarchy: The Hunger Games for a new generation

Anarchy: The Hunger Games for a new generation

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The world is different now. There are no rules, no governments, and no guarantees that you'll be saved.Rival factions have taken over, fighting each other for survival with no loyalty to anyone but their own. At 21, Hayden has taken over Blackwing and is one of the youngest leaders in the area. In protecting his camp from starvation, raids from other factions and the threat of being kidnapped, he has enough to worry about before he finds Grace. The daughter of the head of the rival camp Greystone, she is slow to trust anyone, much less the leader of those she has been trained to kill. This is danger. This is chaos. This is anarchy.
Nakladatel: Orbit
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback
Počet stran: 400
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