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Zawa-zawa: Treasured Art Works of Ashley Wood

Zawa-zawa: Treasured Art Works of Ashley Wood
15 %

675  Kč 799 Kč

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Australian artist Ashley Wood's first art book published in Japan covers nearly 400 of his 'treasured' works in various fields such as oil painting, drawing, package design and drafts of figures, robot toys, etc. These key works, which until now have only been available in his past exhibition catalogues, are comprehensively showcased in this volume. As the complete collected art works of Ashley Wood, this title definitely offers his fans around the world a new insight into his work. Message from Ashley Wood: With this book, I feel a milestone has been reached, it's hard to explain, but it's special and it makes me feel closer to something I dearly love, the visual language of Japanese comics and art.
Nakladatel: P.I.E. Books, T.
Rok vydání: 2016
Jazyk : ENG-JPN
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 224
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