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Astrid Klein. transcendental homeless centralnervous

Astrid Klein. transcendental homeless centralnervous
21 %

769  Kč 970 Kč

Sleva až 70% u třetiny knih
Astrid Klein is best known for her large-format photoworks; since the 1970s she has combined found photographic images and textual excerpts with drawn and painted elements to produce striking black-and-white artworks. Less well known, but equally complex, are the black and white paintings, collages, neon sculptures, mirror works, transparencies and Schriftbilder she has created in over four decades of artistic practice. This publication provides the first comprehensive overview of Klein's oeuvre, which is noted for its 'cool' aesthetic, intellectual acuity and emotional intensity. Purity and elegance are coupled with a seismographic sensitivity for critical contemporary issues such as the role of women in society, notions of success and failure, or wider themes of remembering and forgetting, time and transience. Reflecting her wide-ranging interests in literature, film, philosophy, perception theory and neuroscience, Astrid Klein's artworks open up aesthetic and intellectual realms for viewers to experience and explore.
Nakladatel: Verlag der Buchhandlung König
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Německo-Anglický
Vazba: Hardback
Počet stran: 420
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