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Think Yourself Thin

Think Yourself Thin
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Think Yourself Thin Introduction IF YOU'RE READING this book, you've probably tried a lot of diets. You may have been successful dropping a few pounds but probably gained them back and then some. At times, it feels like no matter what you eat, your body bloats and gains fat even if you just look at food. You know that there has to be an easier way to lose weight, especially given your determination and willingness to follow numerous diets and weight-loss plans. Yet you haven't figured it out. There must be something you're missing because excess weight is an ongoing issue for you. You're not alone. The vast majority of dieters who lose weight will gain it all back within three to five years. As a result, they become frustrated and never achieve their desired weight-loss goal. The purpose of this book is to equip dieters with the most overlooked factors in dieting: the mental strategies required for permanent weight loss. Dieters know there is more to weight loss than eat less and exercise, and this book will provide the missing piece they need to win at weight loss once and for all. As a weight-loss expert who has written three bestselling books and developed a weight-loss system known as DHEMM, I have helped dieters lose over two million pounds in two years. In so doing, I have realized that the most important, yet most overlooked, factor for permanent weight loss is mental mastery. Dieters need the mental fortitude to stay the course and finish strong. According to market research, Americans spend over $60 billion trying to lose weight every year. However, given the rising obesity rate, there is no evidence suggesting that dieting makes people healthier or thinner. In fact, statistics show that 90 percent of people who lose weight on a diet gain it back within three to five years. If people don't overcome the mental challenge of weight loss, they will struggle with weight their entire life. This is particularly detrimental because repeated dieting causes a cascade of negative psychological consequences as well. Few books reveal the most important factor for permanent weight loss: how to create a permanent shift in thoughts, feelings, habits, and behaviors. Most diets can bring about short-term weight loss, but if they don't address the spiritual or emotional issues tied to behavior, permanent weight loss will be an ongoing challenge. You have to get to the root cause of why you're overweight. By applying what you learn in this book, you'll have the tools you need to take control of your health and weight and experience the joy of having your dream body. WHY EVEN LOSE WEIGHT? Being overweight is not a crime. It doesn't devalue who you are as a person. However, weight can affect your health and overall quality of your life. It can affect almost every area of your life, including your career and personal relationships. It can affect your ability to enjoy activities with your kids. It can affect the opportunities you get on the job. It can affect the quality of mate you are able to attract and date. If you have found the quality of your life negatively impacted by your weight, make the decision to get to a healthy weight and do it. Don't think of losing weight as just a number on the scale. When you say you want to lose weight, what you're really saying is that you want to live a long, healthy life and enjoy your kids and grandkids. When you say you want to lose weight, you are saying you want to look in the mirror and love what you see and be proud of your body. When you say you want to lose weight, you are saying you want to live life to the fullest. SO, DO WE GIVE UP ON TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT? There are numerous diets on the market that yield di
Nakladatel: Simon & Schuster US
Rok vydání: 2018
Jazyk : Angličtina
Vazba: Paperback / softback
Počet stran: 272
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